Thought for the Week

"The Lord does not ask about our ability, but our availability. As we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability" - Unknown

Monday, October 15, 2007


We are going to have a Thanksgiving Feast at the Brock Hill House on November 17th. Anyone who wants to come on Friday is welcome, and anyone who wants to stay until Sunday is welcome also. Steve and Holly are bringing the Turkey and Ham. I will make the Mashed Potatoes and Mormon Delight.
We need:
*Rolls *Vegetables *Salads (Pasta,Green,Fruit,etc.) *Whatever else is yummy for Thanksgiving, AND everyone please bring their favorite PIE to share (Please write what pie you are going to bring so we don't all bring the same). Remember to plan on bringing enough for (I don't know how many there are of us, but about 40+) .
Please write if you can come and what you can bring. You can add a post or just a comment to this post. Please spread the word. . . we don't get together enough. We should have a great time. We sure do love you all and miss seeing you! Love, Brock & Vicki


My Crazy Life said...

I would love to bring a pasta salad and stuffing. Also, I'm not sure what pie to bring yet. so I will see what every one else is bring.

Brett and Shannon Hill said...

Brett and shannon will bring a seven layer salad and a banana cream pie. We'll be their Saturday morning.

Brett and Shannon Hill said...

Do we need to bring anything else? Brett