Thought for the Week

"The Lord does not ask about our ability, but our availability. As we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability" - Unknown

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sneek Peek!!

I love this pick because they just had fun. I also love the creek behind them.

I liked this a lot because of the back ground.
Notice the color of her undershirt and the window. It wasn't planed.
Good luck picking there are 150 to 200 pictures.


Dillon & Bree said...

I love them!! So cute Brooke and Janson! I love that you did them in Samaria...the best place ever!

Brock & Vicki said...

You both look so cute! I love your pictures!! I love the creek ones too!! Love You! Aunt Vick

Love Emma Watson said...

Cute! I love them all! You guys are way cute together! Love you guys and hope to see you soon! Emma