Thought for the Week

"The Lord does not ask about our ability, but our availability. As we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability" - Unknown

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Mom had the idea of having Thanksgiving on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We have offered our home. Holly will be bringing turkey and ham. I can do the potatoes and whatever we need... Please post if you can come and what you can bring. Also bring your favorite pie and tell us what kind of pie you are bringing. We will eat at 1:00. If anyone wants to stay here, we would love to have you, just let us know... It will be fun to see everyone! We miss you. Love, Brock, Vick and Kids


Dillon & Bree said...

We will be there! Let me think of what we can bring and I will post again. Dillon will definitely want to bring cheesecake though so we will bring that with toppings!

I will get back to everyone with the other thing/things we can bring.


Braun & Jackie said...

We will be there too. Me cause I love our family and Jackie because she loves food. haha just kiddin. I'll see what we can bring and follow up also.